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Sermon of the Week 
Wednesday, December 02 2015

*….All the turkeys can now feel safe until Christmas…They have all been given a one month reprieve! I can picture turkeys carrying signs that say eat more beef!

So now that Thanksgiving dinner is behind, I think it might be safe to have some humor at the turkey’s expense…..(see if you can handle a few of these)

-----What sound does a turkey’s phone make…Wing, wing, wing….

-----How can you tell a male turkey from a female turkey? The male is the one holding the remote control.

----Most folks don’t know that a turkey can jump higher than the Empire State Building, because the Empire State Building can’t jump at all!

*…..(Part 2) Celebrating Thanksgiving in a Brave New World (continued)

(Or, The “Can Do” Attitude Of Thanksgiving)

*…..This is about reinventing ourselves in all the areas where we put limits on ourselves and don’t allow ourselves to become our very best selves…

* These limits are our comfort zones, A comfort zone is a ceiling on our performance which is our emotional “No Trespassing Zone.”

Our outcomes are reflected in the comfort zones we currently have allowed ourselves to operate in.

*….We are compelled by our belief systems, to stay within these boundaries for their ease and familiarity, and seek ways to balance our lives so we can remain within the safe zones we have created for ourselves.

*…..We have to kick out the Judas Spirit, which is always trying to sabotage God’s plan for us, and cause us to self-destruct!

Judas was given the incredible opportunity to be on the inner circle with Jesus’ disciples. He was daily in the presence of God become flesh. The only limits were the ones Judas put on himself…

The Judas spirit will always oppose the plan of God for you….

Judas spirits are thieves that will steal your blessings.

Judas spirits love money and are easily distracted by the love of things.

Judas spirits will envy and covet the success of others..

Judas spirits will isolate folks from those who can help and develop them…

Judas spirits are divisive and defensive…

Judas spirits are untrustworthy

Judas spirits will throw you and anyone else under the bus

Judas spirits will even put thoughts of suicide in your mind.

Until the Judas Spirit is kicked out and given no place, you will never break out of the comfort zones that put limits on your life and keep robbing your blessing.

*…..Without meaning to, we can empower and enable the Judas spirit by empathizing with people, and wanting to be kind and understanding….

Don’t hesitate to ask those who are filled with negativity and the “I can’t attitude” to tell you why they feel that way….this allows them to sort through their own feelings if they are sincere about changing….

Don’t allow them to make you the villain and themselves the victim, because you are trying to help them deal with their negativity... that’s just their way of avoiding having to deal with the truth…

A chronic complainer and negative person, may try to make you feel bad by cutting you off, of staying away from you, when you try to help them help themselves….they are quick to play the victim….Don’t fall or it and get down on yourself….Sometimes God will remove people from your life to protect you….don’t run after them!

*….We tend to believe and accept the limits everyone has put on us all our lives, and we incorporate these things into the “I Can” or “I Can’t” beliefs about ourselves…

*…..Last week we closed with the three laws that destroy limiting beliefs..

(1) We must operate in The Law of subliminal Thought…..Our emotions, beliefs, attitudes, expectations, words, and actions, begin as thoughts before they’re actions.

*…..Proverbs 23:7 "as a man thinks in his heart, (or at his center) so is he" That’s where what you really, really believe about yourself is, where your true values are, and where everything that motivates you in your behavior and actions is located..... *…..(2) We must operate in The Law of Permission -- Let’s remember, that permission is the power to act! It transforms what you believe deep inside, into behavior and outcomes that are governed by your belief system. We have now become that which we have permitted ourselves to be. I cannot become anything I have become, without my own permission... I may not believe anyone else, but I believe what I am constantly telling myself about myself. So, let go and check out what God is saying about you….He believed in you before you even knew yourself….and He doesn’t make any junk! When He does anything, He is able to say “It is Good”…

*….Isaiah 50:8 “Who will dare to give me a chance, says the Lord. Come, let us confer with one another. v9 Behold, the Lord will help me; who is he that can condemn me”? *….. Athletes had attempted to break the four minute mile, since the days of the ancient Greeks. Someone found the old records of how the Greeks tried to accomplish this. They had wild animals chase the runners, hoping that would make them run faster. They tried tiger’s milk: not the stuff you get down at the supermarket, I’m talking about the real thing.

Nothing worked, so they decided it was physically impossible for a human being to run a mile in four minutes. Our bone structure was all wrong, the wind resistance was too great, our lung power was inadequate. There were a million reasons it couldn’t be done.

Then one day someone who didn’t believe the limits everyone had put on the four minute mile, proved that the doctors, the trainers, and the athletes themselves were all wrong. And, miracle of miracles, the year after Roger Bannister ran the mile in four-minutes, three hundred runners broke the four-minute mile because everyone’s comfort zones had expanded and been recreated!

*…..(3) We must operate in The Law of Co-creation -- We can participate in Co-creating ourselves to be, to do, to have, to express, and to experience, whatever we choose in *… In Genesis 1:28 God said “Have dominion, be fruitful, multiply, and replenish the earth, I have given unto you every living thing".... It is God who created and commissioned Adam and Eve to abound with incredible potential, the sky was the limit, but they chose instead, the forbidden fruit, they chose limits. Satan wanted to keep them from becoming what they were designed and created to become.

Someone said, “As you begin each day, if you can believe the ocean of opportunity God has available for you, then you will carry the biggest bucket you can find”!

*….. Outward dominion comes from inner authority. God gave us Dominion (inner authority) over our own mind, body, emotions, Spirit, and our stuff.

*…..It’s not Happy people who are thankful, it’s the thankful people who are happy!

Experts say, that it takes 21 days to form a habit. And gratitude is no exception… Once the habit of gratitude has been formed, it sets in motion an upward spiral to everything in your life. It’s viral and it’s extremely infectous. You will even begin to see the good in all the bad which you have experienced in your life….

*….Our attitude is a pretty accurate reflection of our Character…God is more interested in building our character, than He is in getting us a good job, getting us a wonderful spouse, than having great children, than getting a bigger house etc, etc.

As a matter of fact, “God is more interested in your character than your comfort. God is more interested in making your life holy than He is in making your life happy.”

*…..Philippians 4:11-12, “Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.”

Therefore while we pray and try to anticipate the way God will open up doors for us to meet our needs, I believe we need to look into our heart and see if God is trying to use the present circumstances, difficulties and challenges, to develop our character or transform our attitude towards certain situations or people.

This is especially true when we are faced with things that seem to have no clear solution at the present time. (by the way, time is your friend not your enemy)

*…..Rick Warren says, “Life is a series of problems: Either you are in one now, you’re just coming out of one, or you’re getting ready to go into one.” –

As I become willing to have God remove my defects of character, I am taking a big step into my maturity. Maturity is the willingness to accept the fact that we had a large part to play in most of our own problems. We accept responsibility for the effects of all of that on those around us. We don’t camp there, but we identify so we can move on in developing our character.

I read somewhere that life is a lot like a railroad track, and we are laying the tracks every day that our lives must travel upon…. I have a choice today about the kind of tracks I want to travel on in my tomorrows.

*…..The challenge for us is to understand the purpose in all of our problems!

The problems we face will either defeat us or develop us - depending on how we respond to them.

*….Ask yourself, is God using my problems to DIRECT me - Sometimes God must light a fire under you to get you moving. Problems often point us in a new direction and motivate us to make a change we would not otherwise make. Is God trying to get your attention?

*….Ask yourself, is God using my problems to INSPECT me - People are like teabags if you want to know what's inside them, just drop them into hot water! Is God testing your faith, or your commitment, or some area of your character, with a problem? What are the problems revealing about you, that still needs to be transformed?

*….Ask yourself, Is God using my problems to CORRECT me - Some lessons we learn only through pain and failure. It's likely that as a child your parents told you not to touch a hot stove. But you probably learned by being burned. Sometimes we only learn the value of something - health, money, a relationship - by struggling and working through it.

*…..Ask yourself, is God using my problems to PROTECT me - A problem can be a blessing in disguise if it prevents you from being harmed by something more serious. A friend of mine was fired for refusing to do something unethical that his boss asked him to do. His unemployment was a problem - but it saved him from being convicted and sent to prison a year later when his boss’s illegal actions were uncovered.

*…. Ask yourself, is God using my problems to PERFECT me. - Problems, when responded to correctly, are character builders. Your relationship to God and your character are the only two things you're going to take with you into eternity. God is constantly at work in our lives - even when we do not recognize it or understand it. But it is a lot easier and profitable when we cooperate with Him! *…..Romans 5:3-4 “We can rejoice when we run into problems. They help us learn to be patient. And patience develops strength of character in us and helps us trust God more each time, until finally our hope and faith are strong and steady.”

*…..Last week, We looked at the account of Peter and his vision while he was praying on the roof top, and God lowered a sheet filled with unclean animals and told him to take it and eat….Peter’s comfort zone would not let him go there, but God knew how to break him free, and it was part of the process in preparing him to break out, and minister to those at Cornelius’ house. Peter was being set free to share the gospel with those from all types of backgrounds and cultures. If God loved and accepted them, then that would be enough for Peter!

*…..To have a “Can Do” attitude, we must stop using “I Can’t” language when talking to ourselves or to others.

If you feel you can’t, then ask what it would take for you to be able to… Are there other ways it could be achieved, is there another method that could be used….

Instead of focusing on what you can’t do, focus on all that you can do… Instead of thinking about what you don’t have, instead, think about what you do have….

Instead of saying I can’t…..say…‘This is what I’m going to do….’

Instead of I can’t, say… ‘This is how I intend to deal with this…’

Instead of I can’t, say… “This is what I propose to do…”

Thinking and acting with a positive attitude can do more than anything else towards getting you wherever and whatever you want out of life. Having a positive attitude in whatever you do will make things easier, and even more enjoyable in doing it!

I want to give you seven simple but powerful tips to having a more positive attitude - and thus becoming a more powerful person. And in 21 days it will become a permanent part of your belief systems…. *…..Three women missionaries were on a train and they were getting to know one another...... they decided to tell each other what their greatest temptations were that they had to deal with. The first says, "My greatest temtation is sexual in nature. Every time I surrender to it, I put all the money I have earned in the poor box to help the homeless." The second missionary says, "My greatest temptation is drinking. Every time I surrender to it, I take all the money I have and I give it to help alcoholics overcome their addiction. So the first missionary says to the woman who hasn’t shared about her temptation, "Come on, we've told you our worst temptations. Now you have to tell us yours."

The third nun says, "My greatest temptation is that I gossip, and I can't wait to get off this train."

This woman needs the 21 day treatment!……

*….There are some lies that we believe about change….these lies keep us defeated and cause us to delay or put off entirely the changes we need to make….

*…..Lie #1 is that it’s all about grace and I don’t have to do anything to earn grace, it’s free and God accepts me just as I am….How many times has God said to me….”I love you like you are, but I love you enough not to leave you that way”!!!!

*…..We don’t strive to change so we can earn God’s love, approval, or acceptance. God has already promised that He has and will always love us. What spiritual development and growth does is to help us increase our practice of the presence of *…..God. “Grace is not opposed to effort, but doing what we do to earn God’s approval is contrary to grace, because earning is an attitude. When we do what we do to bring God pleasure, because of all He has done for us, it is a loving and positive action of gratitude.”

*…..Lie #2 Believing that change isn’t necessary…. If we go to work on a new job, they will train you so that you can change to better do that particular job… you can’t tell the job you’re on, to just accept you the way you are….(that’s just who I am)… you’ll be without a job in a heart beat!

*…..A soldier goes through training and it doesn’t matter how he may feel, he will get up when told, run, do rifle drills, report for duty, and dress according to the manual, no matter how he feels. Our mission, and calling is far more important, since eternal souls are depending on us to get it right. In order to get it right, we must constantly be growing, developing and changing. “Athletes, musicians, writers, scientists, and others progress in their fields because they are willing to continue to reinvent themselves. Unfortunately, there is a tendency to think that in matters of faith we should pray, meditate, study the bible and engage in other spiritual disciplines only when we feel like it.”

*…..Lie #3…I’m too busy… Listen, we all make time, energy, and find resources to do everything we think is important.

*…..If you don’t have time, it’s because it’s not important enough to you. The Ten commandments are not a suggestion, they are a command….If we know the bible, then we know that love is a command, giving is a command, witnessing is a command, forgiveness is a command, serving one another is a command…on and on we could go….. If we’re not making time, it’s because we’re making time for something else. This week, add up the time you spend on watching television, and you’ll realize you’ve got time.

*….“When you read God’s Word, you must constantly be saying to yourself, “This word is talking to me, and about me, and I need to pay attention.”

When we read in God’s word, what God says we are to become….then that becomes our to-do list for that time and season. We are a people who’s main objective and most important agenda is to become what God says we are to be!

The more we embrace these truths from Scripture about who we have become in Christ, the more stable, grateful, and fully assured we will be in this world.

*…..We Can all Have A Positive Attitude In just 7 Simple Steps….

#1. I will Take passionate action towards living my life fully each day. Don't just make it through the day, really live it. Sink your teeth into it and live it like it was your last day on earth. Wring every moment out of it and live each day with passion. Passion and a positive attitude are contagious. You will find others attracted to you who are just as passionate about life and living.

*…..#2. I will Act instead of reacting. Don't wait until something bad happens then try to deal with it. Be proactive and make something good happen. You are responsible for what you make of the life you have, and you only have one, so don't waste it. Create the best life you possibly can, one day at a time.

*……#3. I will Believe that each moment is perfect regardless of its outcome. Bad things happen. That is a fact of life, but that doesn't mean you have to allow it to drag you down. Good can come from everything, no matter how bad it may be at the time. If we really believe God’s word and the teaching of Christ, then surely we believe this. Learn to open yourself up to learn from, and gain strength from, the bad things that happen in your life. Learning to have a positive attitude even when bad things are happening will help you to get through the bad times even stronger and more determined to succeed.

*…..#4. I will Learn to always be grateful for what I have. It's a well-known fact among successful people that having gratitude will get you more than living like no matter what, you’re never satisfied. There's nothing wrong with having dreams and goals and desiring more out of life, but don't forget to be grateful for what you have already. Those who are never satisfied or grateful with what they have get into a "needy”, "poverty" mindset, where they think they never have had anything, and they’re doomed to never have anything.

A positive attitude attracts positive actions. Gratitude attracts positive, creative energy.

*…..#5. I will Seize the moment with wisdom, integrity, and honesty and I will not live with regret.. However, don't spend money that’s not yours, and put yourself in the poorhouse or take food out of your childrens' mouths, and clothes off of their back, chasing every get-rich-quick scheme that comes around the corner.

If you haven’t paid your bills, you’re stealing, because you’re using money that belongs to someone else. You don’t have any money to spend, until after the bills are paid. A bill is a contract, and it is a reflection of your character. You are a thief and a contract breaker if you spend money and neglect your bills. But if you have honored those you promised to pay, then don't be afraid to take opportunities that feel right.

*…..#6. I will always keep my sense of humor. I will laugh more than I do. I will protect my joy because it renews, replenishes, and refreshes me and makes me more pleasant and attractive to others. People like to be around those who find humor in even the most awkward moments. Learn to Laugh, and your days will become more positive, especially if you can learn to laugh at yourself. Don't take yourself, or life, too seriously. Life is much too short to waste it moping around in self-pity. A sense of humor can be the result of self-confidence and being secure with who you are.

People have mistakenly pictured Jesus as some hard nosed, long faced, stern, never smiling being. But scripture tells us that children were drawn to him everywhere He went, and children don’t like a sour-puss!!!!

*….#7. I will accept the power God has given me to take charge of my destiny. No one can take your dreams from you except for you. As long as there's still breath in your body, there is no limit to how much you can accomplish. Life is not something that is going on around you, separate and removed from you. It is what you make of it. And even by doing nothing you are still creating, shaping and molding your life, so why not get involved and create a life you want and can enjoy? Create the life you, yourself dream of.

*…..Start a R.A.K. revolution… that stands for Random Acts of Kindness revolution..... What if we were to go beyond what is required, and do more than is expected… it would make a much greater impact upon the lost, than arguing scripture with them, or trying to convince them of something we have not been living out before them, by *…..example!.. Ecclesiastes 11:1 "Cast your bread (seed) upon the water and in not many days it shall come unto you again....What if we had "Random Acts of Kindness Days' for 365 days a year on our calendars? A day when you are free to be the friend you want others to be. And together you live life, Free Of Limiting Beliefs…

*….Galatians 5:1 “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage”.

Stop hoping and wishing, and decide to make a great life! You plus God are a majority!

As we break free of our limiting comfort zones, we can truly have Thanksgiving year, not just Thanksgiving Day, as we make our declaration again today…like we did last week…..

*…..I am free, I am happy; I am abundant in mind body and spirit, I am loved, and I am loving, Life is such a beautiful thing…I am surrounded daily with the beauty of life, I am one with God the Creator, I am fully present and in agreement as His Creation, through His grace and mercy, I am guilt free, and I am shame free. Everything is working for my good, I trust in God's greater purposes in all things, I now choose to expand myself and my life, I now choose to be successful and happy, I now choose to be unafraid, as I move forward, I now choose to know myself fully and discover New dimensions of God's plan for and through me, I now choose wholeness and acceptance. I now choose to be part of unconditional love, love, without limits.

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